Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine ®

Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine ®


The 'Hawaii' is a voluminous plant which was developed in Hawaii and is cultivated in the mountains of Costa Rica at a height of 1000 metres. This Dracaena has the same hues as the Massangeana, but both its leaves and stem are smaller. This plant has a major advantage over the Massangeana, as it is far less sensitive to cold temperatures. The 'Hawaii' also has a growing time of just 8 weeks, compared to an average of 40 weeks for the Massangeana. Vermeulen Group is the only producer of this variety in the world.

Plant details

  • Cuttings; rooted & unrooted
  • Canes; 4 to 60 inch
  • Branched; 12 to 60 inch


